Mount McKinley in Alaska is the tallest peak in North America with a summit at 20,320 ft, or 6194 m. It is also known as Denali, meaning "the high one" in the native Koyukon Athabaskan language. The average atmospheric pressure at the top of Denali is approximately 330 torr. Use Figure 13.7 (given in Hint) to determine the approximate boiling temperature of water on Denali.

Without Figure 13.7 how am I supposed to help you?

In the absence of Figure 13.7, you can use the Clausius Clapeyron equation of
ln(P2/P1) = (dHvap/R)(1/T1 - 1/T2)
P2 is 330
P1 is 760
dHvap is whatever in jouls/mol
R is 8.314
T1 is 100C (remember that's 373 K)
T2 is ? and you solve for this (in Kelvin)

To determine the approximate boiling temperature of water on Denali, we can use Figure 13.7 (which unfortunately is not given here). However, I can still guide you through a step-by-step approach based on the available information about the average atmospheric pressure at the top of Denali.

Step 1: Convert the pressure from torr to the SI unit of pressure, pascals (Pa).
- 1 torr = 133.322 pascals

Therefore, the average atmospheric pressure at the top of Denali is:
- 330 torr * 133.322 pascals/torr = 43917.26 pascals (approximately)

Step 2: Compare the pressure value to the values on the graph.
- Look for the pressure value of 43917.26 pascals on the x-axis of the graph.

Step 3: Once you locate the pressure value on the x-axis, move upward until you intersect with the curve that represents water.

Step 4: From the intersection point, move horizontally to the y-axis to determine the boiling temperature.

With the given information, you should refer to Figure 13.7 to determine the approximate boiling temperature of water on Denali.

To determine the approximate boiling temperature of water on Denali, we can use Figure 13.7, which shows the boiling point of water at different altitudes and atmospheric pressures.

1. Locate the altitude of Denali: Denali has a summit at 20,320 ft, or 6194 m. Find this altitude on the x-axis of Figure 13.7.

2. Find the corresponding atmospheric pressure: Trace a vertical line from the altitude on the x-axis until it intersects with the curved line representing the approximate atmospheric pressure on the y-axis. In this case, the approximate atmospheric pressure at the top of Denali is 330 torr.

3. Determine the boiling temperature: Once you have identified the intersection point of the altitude and atmospheric pressure lines, trace a horizontal line from that point to the left until it intersects with the temperature scale on the left side of the figure. This temperature represents the approximate boiling temperature of water on Denali.

Remember that Figure 13.7 is a standardized graph, and the actual boiling temperature may vary slightly due to different factors like weather conditions and local variations in atmospheric pressure.