Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

Mother gets a bit of family news, whenever my aunt visits her
Mother gets a bit of family news whenever she visits my aunt.
Whenever Mother and my aunt visit, she gets a bit of family news.
Whenever Mother visits my aunt she gets a bit of family news.

i believe it is the last one

No, not the 4th one.

Do you need a website for comma uses?

yes please, I guess


Check out when you do and don't need commas. See #3 and #11.

(Frankly I think there are 2 correct answers here.)

there's a period after the first one also

i meant B, sorry

I agree with you about B, yes.

I think C is also correct, but B is what this particular question seems to be after.

C is wrong. Because it used "and" ,which makes it plural. Whenever my mom and my aunt vist, "they" get family info.

It should be "they" not a "she".
B is the right answer