what word or words can u make of these letters, states viifd?

To find all possible words using the given letters "states viifd," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by listing all the letters: S, T, A, T, E, S, V, I, I, F, D.
2. Now, think about different combinations of these letters to form words. You can rearrange the letters and try different combinations.
3. Consider using an online word generator or an anagram solver tool to get a complete list of words that can be formed using the provided letters.
4. Plug in the letters "states viifd" into the word generator or anagram solver tool and wait for the results.
5. The tool should provide a list of possible words, including combinations of these letters such as "desist," "fisted," "visited," and so on.

Remember, the more letters you use and the longer the words you try to form, the fewer possible words there will be.