You have two types of bread, three types of meat, and four types of cheese. How many different sandwiches can you make if each sandwich has one type of bread, one type of meat, and one type of cheese?

9 sandwiches *My answer*

16 sandwiches

24 sandwiches

27 sandwiches

2 * 3 * 4 = ?

With two types of bread and three types of cheese you have 6 possible sandwiches. So obviously, 9 is not the answer.

To calculate the number of different sandwiches you can make, you need to multiply the number of options for each category. In this case, you have two types of bread, three types of meat, and four types of cheese.

To find the number of different sandwiches, multiply the number of options for each category:

2 (bread options) x 3 (meat options) x 4 (cheese options) = 24 sandwiches

Therefore, you can make 24 different sandwiches if each sandwich has one type of bread, one type of meat, and one type of cheese. So the correct answer is 24 sandwiches.