career opportunities available in nursing.

2 companies /organizations in the area that offer jobs in this career??

In order to find specific companies or organizations in your area that offer jobs in the nursing field, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search online for "nursing jobs" or "nursing career opportunities" in your area. This will help you find job listings and resources related to nursing positions.

2. Explore job search websites: Websites like Indeed, Monster, or CareerBuilder often have a large number of job listings for various professions, including nursing. You can search for specific keywords like "nursing", "registered nurse", or "RN" along with your location to find relevant job postings.

3. Check healthcare providers and hospitals: Local hospitals, healthcare systems, and medical centers are often major employers in the nursing field. Visit their websites, careers page, or contact their HR department to get information about available nursing positions.

4. Utilize professional networking platforms: LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding information about specific companies or organizations in your area that offer nursing positions. By searching for healthcare providers or nursing associations in your locality, you can connect with professionals in the field who might be aware of job openings.

As every location is different, I can't provide specific companies or organizations in your area without knowing your location. However, using these steps will help you find pertinent job opportunities in the nursing field near you.