Some typical daily low temperature for Alaska cities in February are Anchorage, 12F, Fairbanks, 14F, Kotzebue, -12F, Gulkana, -7F, and Nome -4. Find the average of these temperatures.

(12 + 14 - 12 - 7 - 4) / 5 = ?

To find the average of these temperatures, you need to add them together and then divide the sum by the total number of temperatures.

The temperatures are:

Anchorage: 12F
Fairbanks: 14F
Kotzebue: -12F
Gulkana: -7F
Nome: -4F

To calculate the average, add the temperatures together:

12 + 14 + (-12) + (-7) + (-4) = 3

Now divide the sum by the total number of temperatures (which is 5):

3 / 5 = 0.6

Therefore, the average of these temperatures is 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

To find the average of these temperatures, you need to add up all the temperatures and divide the sum by the number of temperatures.

Let's start by adding up the temperatures:

12 + 14 + (-12) + (-7) + (-4)

When adding, we combine the positive and negative numbers:

12 + 14 = 26,
26 + (-12) = 14,
14 + (-7) = 7,
7 + (-4) = 3.

Now, we need to divide the sum, which is 3, by the total number of temperatures, which is 5.

3 ÷ 5 = 0.6

So, the average of these temperatures is approximately 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit.