I've been stuck on this for a while.

State whether the equation is true false or an open sentence. Show your work.


Did you work it out?

Please post your work.

3(4 + -5) = 3(-6 + -2)

4 + -5 = -1
3(-1) = 3(-6 + -2)

3 * -1
-3 = 3(-6 + -2)

-6 + -2 = -8
-3 = 3(-8)
3 * -8
-3 = -24


This is a false sentence.

Thanks again.

You are welcome, Peach.

To determine whether the equation is true, false, or an open sentence, we need to simplify both sides of the equation and see if they are equal or not.

Let's start by simplifying the left side of the equation:

3(4 + (-5)) = 3(-6 - 2)

First, we simplify the parentheses:

3(-1) = 3(-8)

Next, we multiply:

-3 = -24

So, the left side simplifies to -3.

Now, let's simplify the right side of the equation:

3(-6 - 2)

First, we simplify the parentheses:


Next, we multiply:


So, the right side simplifies to -24.

Now, we compare the simplified left and right sides:

-3 = -24

Since -3 is not equal to -24, the equation is false.

Hence, the equation 3(4 + (-5)) = 3(-6 - 2) is false.