im new to java and this is my first assignment can anyone help me solving it:

compile the class final grades, based on the students’ scores obtained in the classwork, mid-term, and final exams. According to the course syllabus, the classwork accounts for 65%, the mid-term exam accounts for 15% and the final exam account for 20% of the total class score. A. Write program to calculate the following: a. Students’ average score (taking into account the three weights provided above). b. Students’ grade (A, B, C, D or F) c. Class average (sum of all students’ average score divided by total number of students) d. Highest students’ average score e. Pass rate (total number of students who passed divided by the total number of students)

Assumptions: - Grading: Assume the following grade scale: 90% - 100% (A); 80% - 89.99% (B)70% - 79.99% (C); 60% - 69.99 % (D); and 0 – 59.99% (F). Also, as per the course policy, if the student achieves less than 55% in the final exam, he will fail the course even if the average score is above 60%. - Input Data: You may assume the following input data. Please note that the scores correspond to classwork, midterm and final exam scores, respectively (in this order). Naji Hasan 90 85 87 Lisa Smith 80 67 70 Andy Malik 75 80 52 Ravi Gupta 90 95 98 Dave Blair 50 61 70 Sara Clark 70 65 81 Sami Moosa 55 50 71 Imed Radhi 90 83 89 Kira Sunny 65 70 69 Hind Ahmed 70 81 88

You must use arrays to store each of the above records.

i only need the pseduo code for this one please do help

Input data:

Naji Hasan 90 85 87 Lisa Smith 80 67 70 Andy Malik 75 80 52 Ravi Gupta 90 95 98 Dave Blair 50 61 70 Sara Clark 70 65 81 Sami Moosa 55 50 71 Imed Radhi 90 83 89 Kira Sunny 65 70 69 Hind Ahmed 70 81 88

Most (simple) computer programs consist of three parts, input, processing and output.

So the basic pseudocode is:

Input data into variables
Process data according to given logic
Print out requested information

For output information, here are some notes.
a. students' average score (one single value)

b. letter grade of each student

c. class average (one single value, same as a. unless there is a typo in the question part a.

Q. part a was written students' average, meaning average of all students. If written student's average, that would mean average of individual students.

d. Highest average score.
Keep track of the highest score as you calculate, using if statements.

e. pass rate, count how many students have 60% or more, divided by the total number of students. Notice that in Java, 23/25 does not mean the same as 23.0/25.0.

Sure! I can help you with the pseudocode for this problem. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can approach this assignment:

1. Create arrays to store the student records and their scores for classwork, midterm, and final exams.
- Define string arrays for student names.
- Define float arrays for classwork, midterm, and final exam scores.

2. Set the weights for classwork, midterm, and final exams as mentioned in the problem statement:
- Assign 65% weight to classwork.
- Assign 15% weight to midterm exam.
- Assign 20% weight to final exam.

3. Calculate the students' average scores:
- Initialize an empty float array to store the average scores for each student.
- Loop through each student record:
- Add up the weighted scores by multiplying the classwork score by 0.65, midterm score by 0.15, and final exam score by 0.20.
- Divide the sum by the total weight (100) to get the average score.
- Store the average score in the corresponding index of the average score array.

4. Calculate the students' grades and count the passed students:
- Initialize an empty string array to store the grades for each student.
- Initialize a variable to keep track of the total number of students passed.
- Loop through each student record:
- Check the average score for each student against the grading scale.
- Assign a grade based on the score range using if-else conditions.
- If the average score is above 60% and the final exam score is not less than 55%, increment the passed student count.
- Store the grade in the corresponding index of the grade array.

5. Calculate the class average:
- Initialize a variable to hold the sum of all average scores.
- Loop through the average score array and add up all the average scores.
- Divide the sum by the total number of students to get the class average.

6. Find the highest average score:
- Initialize a variable to store the highest average score.
- Loop through the average score array and compare each score with the current highest score. If a higher score is found, update the highest score variable.

7. Calculate the pass rate:
- Divide the count of passed students by the total number of students to get the pass rate.

8. Print the results:
- Loop through each student record and print the student name, average score, and grade.
- Print the class average and the highest average score.
- Print the pass rate.

That's the pseudocode for solving this assignment. You can use this as a guide to implement the solution in Java. Good luck!