
9^12 divided by 9^3

This is really confusing so can you give me the steps too?

Wait...I think I got it.

Do I have to only divide the exponents?

Is my answer 9^4?

No, when you divide with exponents, you subtract the exponents. It's the opposite from multiplication, how you add the exponents. When it comes to divide exponents, you subtract the exponents.

So, they way you have it typed, I'd say it's 1^9

Anon has it wrong

9^12 ÷9^3
= 9^9 , which is rather large

To divide powers with the same base, keep the base and subtract the exponents.

To simplify \(9^{12}\) divided by \(9^3\), we can use the property of exponents that states \(a^m \div a^n = a^{m-n}\). In this case, both \(9^{12}\) and \(9^3\) have the same base of 9.

So, \(9^{12} \div 9^3\) can be simplified as \(9^{12-3}\).

Now, we subtract the exponents: \(12-3 = 9\).

Therefore, \(9^{12} \div 9^3\) simplifies to \(9^9\).

The steps to simplify \(9^{12}\) divided by \(9^3\) are:
1. Write the expression as \(9^{12} \div 9^3\).
2. Apply the exponent property: \(9^{12} \div 9^3 = 9^{12-3}\).
3. Subtract the exponents: \(12-3 = 9\).
4. The simplified expression is \(9^9\).