would this be correct

-3squared + ( (5 (8-6) ) / 2 + 45 ) / 5
=9 + ((5x2)/2)+9
-9 + 5 + 9

Let's break down the given expression step by step:

-3^2 + ((5 * (8 - 6)) / 2 + 45) / 5

First, we calculate the exponent:

-3^2 = -3 * -3 = 9

The expression now becomes:

9 + ((5 * (8 - 6)) / 2 + 45) / 5

Next, we simplify the inner parentheses:

(8 - 6) = 2

The expression becomes:

9 + ((5 * 2) / 2 + 45) / 5

Now, we proceed with the multiplication:

(5 * 2) = 10

The expression becomes:

9 + (10 / 2 + 45) / 5

Next, we perform the division inside the parentheses:

(10 / 2) = 5

The expression becomes:

9 + (5 + 45) / 5

We simplify the addition:

(5 + 45) = 50

The expression now becomes:

9 + 50 / 5

Finally, we divide:

(50 / 5) = 10

The expression becomes:

9 + 10

Finally, we perform the addition:

9 + 10 = 19

So the correct answer is 19, not 23.