The main reason the author introduces the cigarette case is so that (1 point)

Algernon can give it back to its rightful owner.
Algernon can get the reward for the case’s return.
Algernon can make sure Ernest is the best person to marry Gwendolen.
Algernon can uncover the secret to Jack’s and Ernest’s identity.

My Answer D

am i right?

That is correct

To answer this question, we need to analyze the context of the story. In the play "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, Algernon discovers a cigarette case belonging to someone named "Ernest" while searching through Jack's belongings. The case becomes a central plot device throughout the play. Algernon uses the cigarette case to uncover Jack's secret identity as "Ernest," which eventually leads to the resolution of the story.

So, option D is correct. The main reason the author introduces the cigarette case is so that Algernon can uncover the secret to Jack's and Ernest's identity.