On an inclined plane, how does a larger angle of inclination result in a faster speed?

I tried working this out by myself using different values for the angle of incline and the same weight - which was just 100N. I found that the frictional force was equal to the force acting down the slope each time. I thought that if those forces balanced each other, the object would be at rest, which obviously won't be happening on an incline.

I also have to use tan(theta) to find the co-efficent of friction.

Fp = Mg*sin A = Force parallel to the

incline and acting downward. When the
angle is increased, Fp increases which
increases the acceleration: a = Fp/M.
Friction is assumed to be negligible.

The increase in acceleration results in
an increase in velocity: V = a*t.

To understand how a larger angle of inclination results in a faster speed on an inclined plane, let's break it down step by step:

1. Forces acting on the object: On an inclined plane, there are typically two main forces acting on an object: the gravitational force (mg), which pulls the object downwards along the incline, and the frictional force (F_friction), which opposes the motion and acts against the object's tendency to slide down.

2. Component of gravitational force: The force of gravity can be split into two components: one parallel to the incline (mg*sin(theta)) and one perpendicular to the incline (mg*cos(theta)), where theta represents the angle of inclination.

3. Balancing forces: In order for the object to remain stationary or move at a constant speed, the parallel component of the gravitational force (mg*sin(theta)) should be balanced by the frictional force, according to Newton's first law of motion.

4. Significance of coefficient of friction: The coefficient of friction (µ) relates the frictional force to the normal force (N), which is the force perpendicular to the incline. It is given by µ = F_friction / N. In this case, the normal force is equal to mg*cos(theta). By using the equation µ = F_friction / N, you can calculate the coefficient of friction.

5. Larger angles of inclination: When the angle of inclination increases, the component of the gravitational force parallel to the incline (mg*sin(theta)) also increases. Since the frictional force remains the same (balanced with the parallel component of gravity), the net force acting on the object becomes larger, leading to an acceleration down the incline.

6. Speed and larger angles: As the net force becomes larger with a larger angle of inclination, the acceleration also increases. According to Newton's second law of motion (F = ma), a larger net force on the object results in a greater acceleration. With greater acceleration, the object gains speed more quickly as it moves down the incline.

In summary, a larger angle of inclination leads to a faster speed because it increases the net force acting on the object, resulting in a greater acceleration down the incline. To determine the coefficient of friction, you need to use the equation µ = F_friction / N, where the normal force (N) is equal to mg*cos(theta) and the frictional force (F_friction) is balanced with the parallel component of the gravitational force (mg*sin(theta)).