W/3 - 4 < 13

Add 4 to both sides, then multiply both sides by 3.


Get rid of parentheses.

9z+8+6-12z-9 = 40

Combine terms.

-3z + 5 = 40

Subtract 5 from both sides and then divide by

To solve the inequality W/3 - 4 < 13, you need to isolate the variable W.

Here are the steps to solve it:

Step 1: Add 4 to both sides of the inequality:
W/3 - 4 + 4 < 13 + 4
W/3 < 17

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the inequality by 3 to get rid of the fraction:
(3) * (W/3) < (3) * 17
W < 51

So the solution to the inequality W/3 - 4 < 13 is W < 51.