With the chant, Jonas knew the community was accepting him and his new role, giving him life, the way they had given it to the newchild Caleb. His heart swelled with gratitude and pride. But at the same time, he was filed with fear. He did not know what his selection meant. He did not know what he was to become. Or what would become of him.

What type of conflict is illustrated in the previous sentences?

1:character vs. self
2:character vs. nature
3:character vs. society
4:character vs. character

I am stuck between #1 and #3...Help please..thank you

1 C

2 A
3 A


is still correct

Is the character having a conflict with someone or something OUTSIDE of himself?

Or is the character having conflicting feelings INSIDE himself?

He is having conflict inside himself...Thank you so much!!

You're welcome!

Shun is right I got a hundred percent.

Shun is correct! I got 3/3 100%

correct anon and shun

Based on the information provided, the conflict illustrated in the previous sentences is likely option 1: character vs. self, as Jonas is experiencing conflicting emotions and uncertainty about his new role and what it means for his future. Option 3: character vs. society could also be considered, as Jonas mentions his fear and not knowing what would become of him within the community's expectations and norms. However, since the focus is primarily on Jonas's internal struggle and lack of understanding, character vs. self is the more fitting choice.