A dramatic chorus is __________.

a speech made by one person speaking his or her thoughts aloud
the contrast between what the character knows or understands and what the audience knows
when a character says something to him- or herself in order to inform the audience about what he or she is thinking
when characters offer background and summary information to help the audience follow the performance

And you think it's ... ?


A dramatic chorus is when characters offer background and summary information to help the audience follow the performance.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to the sources that explain the different elements of drama. One such source is a drama textbook or an online resource that provides definitions and explanations of various theatrical terms. By looking up the term "dramatic chorus" in these sources, you can learn about its definition and purpose in drama. Additionally, analyzing examples of dramatic works, such as ancient Greek plays or Shakespearean plays, can also provide insight into the role of the chorus in providing context and summarizing key information for the audience.