A jacket costs $94.95. It is on sale for 30% off. Estimate the sale price.

how would you estimate?

0.7 * 100 = $_________

that would be 70

Correct. The price of the jacket on sale is about $70.

To estimate the sale price, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
To find the discount amount, multiply the original price (in this case $94.95) by the discount percentage (30% or 0.30):
Discount amount = $94.95 * 0.30

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the original price.
To find the sale price, subtract the discount amount from the original price:
Sale price = $94.95 - (Discount amount)

Let's calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = $94.95 * 0.30
Discount amount = $28.485

Now, subtract the discount amount from the original price:
Sale price = $94.95 - $28.485
Sale price = $66.465

Hence, the estimated sale price of the jacket would be approximately $66.47.