Here is the second part of my project.

Please list what and why.
(After finishing your education what do you hope to accomplish in your professional and personal life?)

a. find a job that fulfills my expectations and be equivalent to my studies.
b. make family because that completes the personality of humans, in my opinion.

To answer the question about what you hope to accomplish in your professional and personal life after finishing your education, you have provided two possible options: finding a job that fulfills your expectations and starting a family.

To decide which one resonates with you the most, you can consider the following steps:

1. Reflect on your priorities: Think about what holds more significance and value to you in the long run – having a successful career or having a family. Consider factors such as personal fulfillment, financial stability, work-life balance, and overall life satisfaction.

2. Assess your career goals: Consider your educational background, skills, and interests. Explore potential career paths that align with your aspirations and can provide you with opportunities for growth, professional development, and job satisfaction.

3. Research employment prospects: Conduct market research to identify industries, companies, or roles that offer the potential for a fulfilling career. Look into job growth rates, pay scales, and job satisfaction levels for different professions to help you make an informed decision about your career ambitions.

4. Evaluate personal desires: Reflect on your personal values, beliefs, and desires when it comes to starting a family. Evaluate whether you feel ready and willing to take on the responsibilities and commitments associated with raising a family, and consider the support system you have in place.

5. Consider a balance: It's important to remember that you don't necessarily have to choose one over the other. Many individuals successfully balance both their professional and personal lives, so consider if there is a way to pursue both options concurrently or sequentially.

Ultimately, the decision between a fulfilling career and starting a family is a deeply personal one. Take the time to reflect on your personal goals, values, and desires to determine which path you believe will lead to a fulfilling professional and personal life after completing your education.