In an independent agency, (Points : 1)

Congress has considerable control.
the President has absolute control.
the President and Congress do not have much control.
the agency is answerable to the Supreme Court.

the President and Congress do not have much control


In order to determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of an independent agency. An independent agency is a government organization that operates outside the control of the executive branch, which is headed by the President. It is generally created by Congress through legislation and has specific responsibilities and functions.

Based on this understanding, we can eliminate the options that suggest either Congress or the President has considerable or absolute control in an independent agency. Independent agencies are purposely designed to have a level of autonomy from political influence.

Regarding the option that suggests the agency is answerable to the Supreme Court, it is important to note that the Supreme Court's role is primarily to interpret the law and ensure that it is being applied correctly. While the Supreme Court may have jurisdiction over cases involving independent agencies, it does not have direct control over them.

Therefore, the correct answer is that in an independent agency, the President and Congress do not have much control. Independent agencies are intended to be free from direct political influence and have a level of independence in carrying out their responsibilities.