What kind of careers can a person with a background in geography have?

Plz help. Writing a paper for it. Thanks.

These sites have information about careers in geography. Look at the bottom of the page in the first site.



A man-made channel filled with water and used for boat transportation or for irrigation is called a

Great! Researching on specific websites is a good way to gather information for your paper. By visiting the suggested websites, you can find valuable information about career options for individuals with a background in geography.

The first website, http://www.aag.org/Careers/career_search.cfm, is the official website of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). They provide a comprehensive career search tool that can help you explore various job opportunities related to geography. To use this tool, click on the link provided and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There, you will find a section titled "Career Search" where you can input your criteria and discover potential careers within the field of geography.

The second website, http://geography.about.com/od/careersingeography/a/jobsgeography.htm, is a dedicated resource of About.com, specifically focusing on careers in geography. This page provides information about different areas where geography knowledge and skills can be applied, along with a list of job titles and descriptions. Browse through the page to find careers that interest you and gather relevant details for your paper.

Remember to take notes and compile the information from these websites to create a comprehensive list of potential careers in geography. This will serve as a valuable resource as you write your paper. Good luck with your research and writing!