In the examples of North and South Korea and North and South Vietnam, the United States chose a course of action that could best be described as __________.





Chill, Anonymous. Some people want to play a bad joke by being imposters and writing under Ms. Sue's name.

Ok and sorry

Im not Mr. Sue Just wanted to see my name blue i think the answers imperialism.

So what is the answer?

To determine the best course of action chosen by the United States in the examples of North and South Korea and North and South Vietnam, we can look at each option provided and evaluate which one aligns most accurately.

1. Intervention: This refers to getting involved in a situation or conflict with the intention of influencing the outcome. In the case of both North and South Korea and North and South Vietnam, the United States did intervene by sending troops and providing military aid to the South, supporting them against the communist regime in the North. However, this option alone does not fully capture the overall approach taken by the United States.

2. Imperialism: Imperialism involves extending a nation's power and influence through political, economic, or military means. While the United States did intervene in these situations, it cannot be described as imperialism since the aim was not to establish direct control over these countries but rather to support South Korea and South Vietnam's governments.

3. Diplomacy: This refers to the practice of conducting negotiations and discussions between nations to resolve conflicts or reach agreements. In the examples mentioned, the United States did engage in diplomatic efforts to address the situations in both Koreas and Vietnams. They attempted diplomatic solutions, such as negotiations and treaties, alongside the military intervention. Therefore, diplomacy best describes the overall approach taken by the United States.

4. Isolation: Isolation refers to a policy of non-involvement or minimal engagement in international affairs. This option does not align with the chosen course of action by the United States, as they actively engaged in the conflicts in these regions.

Therefore, the best course of action chosen by the United States in the examples of North and South Korea and North and South Vietnam would be described as diplomacy.

i can't believe u called me stupid in the last post.

Different Anonymous is right. I did not call you or anyone else stupid. Those posts are gone and the impersonator (in southern California) is now banned from posting here.

And diplomacy is not correct for this answer.