"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, continent in Liberty, and dedicated to the preposition that all men are created equal." -Abraham Lincoln

With which of the following statements is the author of the quote most likely to agree?

Autocracy is the best form of government because the people are not sufficiently informed to make decisions.

Democracy is the worst because people are to busy to participate in the government.****

Autocracy is the worst because people rule by a small group of people ensure the best government decisions.

Democracy is the best form of government because it gives people power over government decisions.

Come on! I don't think you read the question.

Autocracy is the worst because people rule by a small group of people ensure the best government decisions.??????

I thought this was it before but i wasn't sure.

There's a typo in the original quote -- but it shouldn't have thrown you so far off.

a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the preposition that all men are created equal."

Do you know what that means??


I've checked two of your answers, and both are wrong. You're on your own now.

The author of the quote, Abraham Lincoln, is most likely to agree with the statement: "Democracy is the worst because people are too busy to participate in the government."

To determine the correct answer, it is important to analyze the quote and understand the context. In the quote, Lincoln is referring to the founding of a new nation, emphasizing the ideals of liberty and equality. This suggests that he values the principles of individual rights and the involvement of the people in the governance of their country.

Analyzing the given statements, it is clear that the author would not agree with autocracy being the best form of government (statement 1) because it implies that people are not sufficiently informed to make decisions, which goes against the principles of equality and individual rights.

Similarly, the author would not agree with autocracy being the worst form of government (statement 3) because it suggests that a small group of people ruling ensures the best government decisions, which contradicts the idea of people having power and agency in their governance.

The author would also not agree with the statement that "Democracy is the best form of government because it gives people power over government decisions" (statement 4) because it does not align with the negative connotation implied in the quote about people being too busy to participate in government.

Therefore, the statement that the author is most likely to agree with is: "Democracy is the worst because people are too busy to participate in the government" (statement 2). This statement reflects the concern that people may not be sufficiently engaged and involved in their government due to various reasons, which would hinder the effectiveness of a democratic system.