Jaime mixes purple paint. She uses three pints of blue paint for every four

pints of red paint. Jaime wants to mix more paint exactly the same color. She
has 14 pints of red paint. How much blue paint does she need?

Answered by Jai


To find out how much blue paint Jaime needs, we can set up a proportion based on the ratio given. The ratio of blue paint to red paint is 3:4.

Let's assume x represents the amount of blue paint Jaime needs.

So, we can set up the proportion:
3/4 = x/14

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
4x = 3 * 14

3 * 14 = 42
4x = 42

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for x:
x = 42/4
x = 10.5

Therefore, Jaime needs 10.5 pints of blue paint to mix the same color.