Percy modillane is 32 year old founder of tasty fish and chips enterprise. He always wanted to have his own business and took a business management course. He spend most of his time trying to find new methods to improve the quality of his fish and chips. Percy has a good relationship with his employees and always works hard to ensure that his business is a success. Percy has borrowed R20 000 from the bank to establish another business outlet. Identify five entrepreneurial qualities Percy possess and support the answer by using the information from the case study?

I think you must study your text materials to discover what five entrepreneurial qualities it emphasizes. There are probably more than five such qualities, but I have no idea which ones your class wants you to know about. There are five noted in the case study. See if you can identify them in the context of your course materials.

identified five enterpreneurial qualities

1. Partnership 2. companies 3.sole proprietorship 4.public company 5.a prospectus


sole proprietorship
public company

Parnership,companies,sole proprietorship,public company,prospectus

To identify five entrepreneurial qualities possessed by Percy Modillane based on the provided case study, we can analyze the information provided about his background, behavior, and actions. Here are five entrepreneurial qualities that Percy possesses, supported by information from the case study:

1. Passion and Motivation: Percy's passion for business and his drive to become an entrepreneur are evident from the fact that he always wanted to have his own business. He pursued a business management course to gain knowledge and skills to fulfill his dream.

2. Continuous Improvement: Percy's dedication to finding new methods to improve the quality of his fish and chips indicates his commitment to continuous improvement. This entrepreneurial quality demonstrates his desire to deliver the best product to his customers and stay ahead in the market.

3. Strong Work Ethic: Percy's hard work and commitment to ensuring the success of his business highlight his strong work ethic. This quality is supported by the fact that he spends most of his time on improving his fish and chips. His work ethic is instrumental in building a successful enterprise.

4. Relationship Building: Percy's good relationship with his employees suggests his ability to build strong connections and maintain a positive work environment. Entrepreneurs need to collaborate and motivate their teams effectively, and Percy's relationship with his employees shows this quality.

5. Resourcefulness and Risk-taking: By borrowing R20,000 from the bank to establish another business outlet, Percy demonstrates his resourcefulness and willingness to take risks. Entrepreneurs often need to make bold financial decisions, and Percy's act of borrowing money for expansion reflects this quality.

By considering Percy's passion, continuous improvement drive, strong work ethic, relationship building skills, and resourcefulness, we can conclude that he possesses these five entrepreneurial qualities, as evident from the information provided in the case study.