Roosevelt launched the second New Deal because of the failure of his initial policies to pull the country out of the Depression and because of the growing popular clamor for greater economic equality.

*I think true

The Great Depression had its roots in the 1920s. In other words, many of the economic problems originated then.
*I think true

Looking at history from the bottom-up, or "history from below" means
Select one:
a. Looking at the past from the perspective of ordinary working class people.
b. Looking at the past even when it is ugly or discouraging.
*I think b.

What caused the American economy to slip in the 1970s?
Select one:
a. Spending on Vietnam
b. Oil embargoes
c. The shift away from manufacturing
d. All of the above.
*I think a?

You're correct on the first three. I disagree on #4.

For the statements:

1. Roosevelt launched the second New Deal because of the failure of his initial policies to pull the country out of the Depression and because of the growing popular clamor for greater economic equality.
- This statement is true. Roosevelt's initial policies, known as the First New Deal, did not entirely solve the economic crisis of the Great Depression. As a result, he launched the second New Deal in response to the continued challenges and demands for economic equality from the public.

2. The Great Depression had its roots in the 1920s. In other words, many of the economic problems originated then.
- This statement is true. The Great Depression was primarily caused by a combination of economic factors that originated in the 1920s, such as excessive speculation in the stock market, unequal distribution of wealth, excessive borrowing, and overproduction in industries, among others.

Now, for the next questions:

1. Looking at history from the bottom-up, or "history from below" means:
- This option is incorrect. "History from below" refers to option a, which means looking at the past from the perspective of ordinary working-class people. It focuses on the experiences, struggles, and contributions of everyday individuals rather than a top-down approach that primarily focuses on political leaders and elites.

2. What caused the American economy to slip in the 1970s?
- The correct answer is d. All of the above. The American economy faced multiple challenges in the 1970s, including the high costs of the Vietnam War, oil embargoes by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), and the structural shifts away from manufacturing industries towards a more service-based economy. All these factors combined contributed to the economic difficulties during that period. Therefore, option a (Spending on Vietnam) alone is not the sole cause.