Which of the following is true about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?

A. they all carry the same energy
B. they all travel at the same speed
C. they all have the same frequency
D. they all have the same wavelength

I think it's B

I agree.

To determine which of the statements is true about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, we can go through each option and explain how to arrive at the answer.

A. They all carry the same energy: This statement is not true. The energy carried by electromagnetic waves depends on their frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy.

B. They all travel at the same speed: This statement is true. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed, which is the speed of light, denoted as "c" in scientific notation. This speed is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

C. They all have the same frequency: This statement is not true. Different electromagnetic waves can have different frequencies. Each electromagnetic wave corresponds to a specific frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum.

D. They all have the same wavelength: This statement is not true. Different electromagnetic waves can have different wavelengths. The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave, such as from crest to crest or from trough to trough.

Therefore, the correct statement is:
B. They all travel at the same speed

You are correct, the answer is B. All electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, such as light, travel at the same speed, which is the speed of light (approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second). This is one of the fundamental properties of electromagnetic waves.