How can I re-phrase this sentence 'even less!'

Could I say littler?

"Littler" is not a word.

Please give us the entire sentence and then we may be able to help you.

They're getting even less energy.

That sentence is o.k. It's very vague, though; I assume that the next sentence (or previous sentence) explain it more.

I' m wondering how I can re-phrase the sentence 'They're getting even less energy'.

You need to complete the comparison and add specifics.

My neighbors are receiving even less energy from their solar panels than they did last year.

(or something like that)

To rephrase the sentence "even less!", you can use the word "littler" as an alternative. However, it's important to note that "littler" may not be widely recognized or commonly used. A more common and natural rephrasing would be "even smaller!" or "even lesser!"