5 kids median age is 9. Two of the kids ages are 5. The range of all the kids is 7. What is the age of the 2nd to the oldest. Please help....!

a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. 12

to figure it out, i tried this

1. 12
2. 11
3. 9
4. 5
5. 5

B that's what im thinking because i though it was six but that isn't a choice but b sounds right

I agree

The wording of the question should have been:
"What is the range of ages from the 2nd youngest to the oldest" to make it more clear.

To find the age of the 2nd to the oldest child, we can start by organizing the ages from youngest to oldest.

Given information:
Median age = 9
Two of the kids are 5 years old
Range = 7

Since the median age is 9, we can infer that the 3rd child's age is also 9.

Now, since two of the kids are 5 years old, we can place them in the remaining spots:
1. 5
2. 5
3. 9

Now we have two spots left for the remaining two children. We know that the range is 7, which means the difference between the oldest and youngest child is 7 years. Since the third child is 9 years old, the oldest child must be 7 + 9 = 16 years old.

So, the current arrangement is:
1. 5
2. 5
3. 9
4. [unknown]
5. 16

Now, we need to find the age of the 4th child, which is the 2nd to the oldest. To do this, we can calculate the remaining age after removing the ages of the other children:

Total age of 5 children = 5 + 5 + 9 + [unknown] + 16 = 35 + [unknown]

Since the median age is 9, which is the age of the 3rd child, the sum of all the ages on both sides of the median is the same. This means the sum of the ages of the 1st and 2nd children (both 5 years old) and the 3rd child (9 years old) must be equal to the sum of the ages of the 4th (unknown) and 5th child (16 years old).

5 + 5 + 9 = [unknown] + 16
19 = [unknown] + 16
[unknown] = 19 - 16
[unknown] = 3

So, the age of the 4th child is 3 years.

Now, we can arrange the ages from youngest to oldest:
1. 5
2. 5
3. 9
4. 3
5. 16

The age of the 2nd to the oldest child is 16. Therefore, the correct answer is d. 12.