child labor in africa anything baout it! pleae help its due monday!

I understand you are looking for information about child labor in Africa. To find information on this topic, a good starting point is to use a reliable search engine like Google. The link you provided appears to be a Google search query for "Africa child labor" which is a good way to start your research.

When conducting research online, it's important to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find. Look for reputable websites such as academic institutions, international organizations, or government agencies. These sources often provide reliable and accurate information.

Once you click on the search link, you will see a list of search results related to child labor in Africa. I recommend clicking on credible sources such as articles from reputable news organizations, reports from internationally recognized organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO), or scholarly journals on the topic of child labor in Africa.

Another approach you can take to gather information is to refine your search query by including specific countries or regions within Africa that you are interested in. This can help you find more focused and relevant information.

Remember to take notes while reading and gather evidence to support your research. It's also important to properly cite the sources you use to avoid plagiarism. Good luck with your assignment!