Tickets for children cost $3.00, adult tickets cost $5.00. I am responsible for selling 6 tickets. How would I figure out all the possible dollar amounts that my ticket sales could total? SOOOO confused, please, any help would be sincerely appreciated.

Thank You

Why is this confusing?

Make a table, showing C(hildren), A(dults), T(otal)

6 0 $18.00
5 1 $20.00
4 2 $22.00
3 3 $24.00
2 4 $26.00
1 5 $28.00
0 6 $30.00

How many different amounts do you see ?

To find out all the possible dollar amounts that your ticket sales could total, you need to consider the different combinations of child and adult tickets you can sell.

Here's how you can approach this problem step by step:

1. Determine the possible number of child tickets you can sell. Since you are responsible for selling 6 tickets in total, the number of child tickets can range from 0 to 6.

2. For each possible number of child tickets, calculate the corresponding number of adult tickets. This can be done by subtracting the number of child tickets from the total number of tickets you need to sell (i.e., 6 - number of child tickets).

3. Multiply the number of child tickets by the cost of each child ticket ($3.00) and the number of adult tickets by the cost of each adult ticket ($5.00). Then, add the two amounts together to get the total dollar amount for each combination.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each possible number of child tickets to find all the possible dollar amounts that your ticket sales could total.

To illustrate this, here is a breakdown of all the possible combinations:

- If you sell 0 child tickets, you would sell all 6 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 0(child tickets) * $3.00 + 6(adult tickets) * $5.00 = $0 + $30 = $30.

- If you sell 1 child ticket, you would sell 5 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 1 * $3.00 + 5 * $5.00 = $3 + $25 = $28.

- If you sell 2 child tickets, you would sell 4 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 2 * $3.00 + 4 * $5.00 = $6 + $20 = $26.

- If you sell 3 child tickets, you would sell 3 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 3 * $3.00 + 3 * $5.00 = $9 + $15 = $24.

- If you sell 4 child tickets, you would sell 2 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 4 * $3.00 + 2 * $5.00 = $12 + $10 = $22.

- If you sell 5 child tickets, you would sell 1 adult ticket. The total amount would be: 5 * $3.00 + 1 * $5.00 = $15 + $5 = $20.

- If you sell all 6 child tickets, you would sell 0 adult tickets. The total amount would be: 6 * $3.00 + 0 * $5.00 = $18 + $0 = $18.

So, the possible dollar amounts that your ticket sales could total are $18, $20, $22, $24, $26, $28, and $30.