On a grid draw and label and label an aquarium shaped like a rectangle prism with the volume of 8000 cubic in.



What are the possible dimensions?

To draw and label an aquarium shaped like a rectangular prism with a volume of 8000 cubic inches on a grid, you need to find the dimensions of the rectangular prism first. The volume of a rectangular prism can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height together.

Since the volume is given as 8000 cubic inches, we need to find three numbers whose product equals 8000. Here are a few possible combinations:

1. Length = 40 inches, Width = 20 inches, Height = 10 inches:
40 * 20 * 10 = 8000 cubic inches

2. Length = 80 inches, Width = 10 inches, Height = 10 inches:
80 * 10 * 10 = 8000 cubic inches

3. Length = 100 inches, Width = 8 inches, Height = 10 inches:
100 * 8 * 10 = 8000 cubic inches

Now that we have some potential dimensions, we can draw the rectangular prism on a grid. For simplicity, let's use the first set of dimensions: Length = 40 inches, Width = 20 inches, Height = 10 inches.

1. Start by drawing a rectangle to represent the base of the aquarium. Label the length as 40 inches and the width as 20 inches.

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2. Extend the rectangle upward to create a parallelogram. This will represent one of the faces of the aquarium. Label the height as 10 inches.

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3. Connect the corresponding vertices of the base and the top face to complete the sides of the rectangular prism.

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4. Finally, label the dimensions on each side of the aquarium.

| Length: 40 in |
| Width: 20 in |
| Height: 10 in |

Remember that this is just one possible arrangement of the aquarium. You can experiment with different dimensions to create various shapes on the grid, as long as the volume remains the same.