Quick! The house is on fire. Go out now!

In the short passage, what is the part of speech of 'quick'? Is it an adjective or an adverb? Does it mean 'Be quick!'?

In this passage, "quick" is an adverb. It means "Be quick!"

To determine the part of speech of the word 'quick' in the phrase "Quick! The house is on fire. Go out now!", we should analyze its usage and function in the sentence.

In this case, 'quick' is used as an adjective modifying the understood subject 'you.' It is describing the manner in which you should act in response to the urgent situation. So, it is correct to classify 'quick' as an adjective in this context.

The phrase "Quick! The house is on fire. Go out now!" is an imperative sentence, which means it is a command or a request. The intended meaning is to act rapidly and without delay. In other words, it is urging you to respond quickly to the emergency situation.

To recap, 'quick' is an adjective modifying 'you' and means to act with speed or haste.