Are these right? IF not please help me understand them thank you.

Identify the sentence that most strongly relies on emotional language.

It took a lot of work, but we finally got the job done.
With hard work and dedication, we got the job done.**
We had to move heaven and Earth to get the job done.
To get the job done, we had to make a concentrated effort.

Identify the statement that is verifiable fact.

Birds make good pets for people who live in apartments.
Outdoor cats are usually more aggressive than indoor cats.
Teddy bear hamsters are cuter than Russian dwarf hamsters.
Dogs should avoid eating choclate because it is toxic for them.***

Ms.Sue could you help me understand how to pick the right one ? It just seemed more emotional to me to pick that one maybe then 3rd one then?

Yes, you have correctly identified the statement that is a verifiable fact. "Dogs should avoid eating chocolate because it is toxic for them" is a factual statement that can be verified through scientific research and veterinary advice. Chocolate contains theobromine, a substance that is toxic to dogs and can lead to various health issues.

On the other hand, the other statements involve subjective opinions or generalizations that may vary depending on personal preferences or circumstances. For example, whether birds make good pets for people who live in apartments or whether teddy bear hamsters are cuter than Russian dwarf hamsters can be subjective opinions that vary from person to person. The statement about outdoor cats being more aggressive than indoor cats is a generalization that may not be uniformly true for all cats.

To determine whether a statement is a verifiable fact, it is important to consider if it can be supported by objective evidence, scientific research, or widely accepted knowledge.

1 is wrong.

2 is right.

Hard work, dedication are common words used when talking about getting a job done.

But moving Heaven and Earth is hyperbole, and plays on the emotions of the listener.