What was the connection between student unrest and the Vietnam War and how they affected each other? What was the political and social outcome of the end of the Vietnam War? Can anyone help me get started and include other reference sites for more information. Thank you.

The biggest connection between student unrest and the Vietnam War was that it was young people who actually fought that war. Every young man had to register for the draft (selective service) and many were called into the service.

Check these sites.




Thank you very much. I was on the right track but needed more specific research sites. Thanks again.

You're very welcome. Good luck with your paper.

The connection between student unrest and the Vietnam War was a complex relationship with a two-way influence. The Vietnam War (1955-1975) sparked widespread student protests and unrest across the United States. Students opposed the war for various reasons: objection to military draft, concerns over the morality and purpose of the war, and questioning the government's credibility regarding the conflict.

The student movement against the Vietnam War gained momentum in the late 1960s, with large-scale protests, sit-ins, and campus demonstrations taking place at universities throughout the country. Students organized teach-ins, strikes, and marches to voice their opposition to the war and demand its end. The anti-war sentiment among students reflected a broader dissatisfaction with the U.S. government and its policies.

On the other hand, the student activism also affected the course of the Vietnam War. The anti-war movement exerted pressure on policymakers and influenced public opinion. Students played a significant role in shaping public discourse, both through their activism and the media attention they garnered. The growing opposition to the war, fueled in part by the student protests, contributed to the eventual decline in public support for the war effort.

The end of the Vietnam War had significant political and social outcomes. In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed, leading to the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam. The war came to an official end in 1975 when South Vietnam fell to the communist forces of North Vietnam. The outcome of the war had profound consequences on domestic and international levels.

Internationally, the Vietnam War had implications for the Cold War balance of power dynamics. The U.S. suffered a military defeat, which weakened its global reputation and led to increased efforts in pursuing diplomatic solutions in future conflicts. Domestically, the war fueled political divisions and undermined public trust in the government and its military interventions.

The end of the Vietnam War also had societal impacts. Vietnam veterans faced challenges upon their return, including difficulties in readjusting to civilian life and a lack of public support. The war also highlighted issues of racial inequality and class divisions, as minority and working-class soldiers were disproportionately represented in the combat forces.

To get started with further research, here are some reference sites that can provide more detailed information on the connection between student unrest and the Vietnam War, as well as the political and social outcomes:

1. The Vietnam War – An overview of the war, its causes, and outcomes - History.com: https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war
2. The Anti-War Movement in the United States - Understanding the Vietnam War: https://www.vietnamwar.net/antiwar/
3. Vietnam War Protests - American Experience (PBS) - Interactive timeline and resources: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/vietnam-protests/
4. Vietnam War Era - Digital history: https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraID=18&smtID=2

These resources should give you a comprehensive understanding of the connection between student unrest and the Vietnam War, as well as the political and social outcomes of the war.