A car saleswoman earns a commission of 12% on each car she sells. How much money did she make the dealership in car sales the month she received $19,200 in commission?

.12x = 19,200

Solve for x.


To find out how much money the car saleswoman made for the dealership in car sales, we need to determine the total sales she generated. Since her commission is 12% of the sales, we can divide her commission by the commission rate to calculate the total sales.

Let's denote the total sales as "x."

Commission = Total Sales x Commission Rate

$19,200 = x * 0.12

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.12:

$19,200 / 0.12 = x

x ≈ $160,000

Therefore, the car saleswoman made approximately $160,000 in car sales for the dealership that month.