If the length of one side of a right triangle is known, the length of the other two sides with corresponding angles can be found.

- only the hypotenuse can be found
- this is not true
-this is true only if the angles are given in radians

What is the answer , please explain.

The mystery remains unsolved with only one bit of information about the triangle.

The answer is "only the hypotenuse can be found".

To understand why, let's review some key concepts about right triangles.

In a right triangle, one of the angles is a right angle (90 degrees). The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and the other two sides are called the legs.

To find the length of the legs, we need additional information such as the measure of the angles or the length of the hypotenuse.

If we know the length of one leg and one acute angle (other than the right angle), we can use trigonometric functions (such as sine, cosine, and tangent) to find the lengths of the other sides. This involves using ratios between the sides and angles in the triangle.

However, if we know only the length of one side, we do not have enough information to determine the lengths of the other sides. This is because we need at least one angle (other than the right angle) to calculate the trigonometric ratios.

So, in summary, if we know the length of one side of a right triangle, we can only determine the length of the hypotenuse, not the lengths of the other two sides.