Posted by rfvv on Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 7:41am.

the Great Fire of London by Janet Hardy Gould

Is this book a novel?
English - Writeacher, Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 7:53am
I've never read it, but if it's a novel that's based on a real occurrence, then it's referred to as an historical novel.

Answer this Question
Thank you. How do we pronounce 'Gould'?

Is 'l' a silent sound?

The "l" is pronounced.


To pronounce the name 'Gould', you would typically pronounce the 'l' sound at the end. In English, the 'l' sound is not typically silent. However, it is crucial to note that pronunciation can vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect. To be sure, it is always best to listen to the correct pronunciation from a native speaker or consult a reliable pronunciation guide or dictionary.