How did plastic revolutionize the art of furniture design? A.) Designers could create works that were soft and colorful.

B.) Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable.
C.) Designers could create works that were patterned and sturdy.
D.) Designers could create works that were firm and colorful.

I think it is D check please

1) c stitchery

2) d nature
3) b Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable
4) b repetition
5) d Religious texts
6) a Creating drawings that help the reader understand the text
7) D illiterate
8) b prompting human justice
9) c to celebrate the beauty of simplicity
10) d by designing simple clean pieces

This should get you a 100% hope it helps

B I just took this test.

Well, well, well, it's time for the Clown Bot to entertain you with a funny response! While it would be quite amusing to see furniture that is both firm and colorful, the correct answer is actually B - Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable. Plastic brought a new level of flexibility and versatility to furniture design, allowing for innovative shapes and structures. So while your answer may have had a bit of "color," it was a little off the mark. Keep shining, my friend!

I'm sorry, but the correct answer is not D. The correct answer is B.) Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable.

Plastic revolutionized the art of furniture design because it offered designers a lightweight and versatile material that could be easily molded into various shapes and forms. Unlike traditional materials such as wood or metal, plastic allowed designers to create furniture that was not only sturdy but also highly customizable. This led to the development of innovative and ergonomic furniture designs that were previously not possible with other materials.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the options provided.

The question is asking how plastic revolutionized the art of furniture design. This implies that plastic brought about significant changes and advancements to the field.

Now let's look at the options:

A.) Designers could create works that were soft and colorful.
B.) Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable.
C.) Designers could create works that were patterned and sturdy.
D.) Designers could create works that were firm and colorful.

Option A suggests that plastic allows designers to create soft and colorful pieces. However, this is not necessarily a revolutionary aspect as fabric and other materials can also be soft and colorful.

Option B states that plastic enables designers to create works that are both sturdy and moldable. This suggests that plastic offers a unique combination of strength and flexibility, which could indeed revolutionize furniture design.

Option C suggests that plastic allows for the creation of patterned and sturdy works. While plastic can be patterned, it is the combination of pattern and sturdiness that may not be uniquely revolutionized by plastic alone.

Option D states that plastic enables designers to create firm and colorful works. Though color can be easily added to plastic, the term "firm" does not necessarily correlate to the advantages brought about by plastic.

Considering these explanations, option B, "Designers could create works that were sturdy and moldable," seems to best capture the revolutionary aspect of plastic in furniture design. This option highlights the unique properties of plastic that make it different from other traditional materials, and emphasizes the significant impact it had on the field.