hat was Eugene Talmadge’s role in opposing the New Deal? (1 point)

He blocked New Deal programs from taking effect in Georgia.
He was a Democrat who did not approve of Roosevelt's New Deal policies.
He believed that relief should be given from private corporations, not the government.
all of the above



Let us know what you decide.


Scroll down to the section on Talmadge's Opposition, and read carefully.

I'd like to go with D, but I'm not sure of C.
A and B are certainly true.

i picked d to begin with, i thought you said i was wring and gave me the link... i said D at the bottom of the questions and answer.

OK, I'm glad you chose D.

I gave you those search results so you could double-check your choice. Whenever I post links, it's not always because I think your answer is incorrect. It's almost always because I think there's something questionable there.

In any case, d is correct.

The correct answer is all of the above. Eugene Talmadge played a significant role in opposing the New Deal in multiple ways. He blocked the implementation of New Deal programs in Georgia, as he did not agree with the policies and believed they were not beneficial for the state. Talmadge was a Democrat who openly criticized and opposed President Roosevelt's New Deal policies. He also advocated for relief to be provided by private corporations rather than through government initiatives.