Hellok, my question was misunderstood, I know how to write a book report, I have to write a review on a movie with psychological issues. I chose the movie I am Sam, but my problem is do I mainly write about the mental retardation, the lawyer that has obsessive compulsive disorder, or the one in the movie that has anxiety disorder. I would think to mainly write a short review on the mental retardation but just want to be sure, thanks

I'm sure that writing your review about how mental retardation is portrayed in this movie will meet your teacher's requirements.

When writing a review on a movie with multiple psychological issues like "I am Sam," it can sometimes be challenging to decide which aspect to focus on. However, it's essential to keep in mind that your review should reflect your own observations and preferences. Here's how to approach this task:

1. Analysis: First, watch the movie carefully and take note of the different psychological issues depicted. Pay attention to how specifically these conditions are portrayed and how they contribute to the overall narrative and character development.

2. Personal interest: Consider your own interests and knowledge about psychological issues. Do you feel more drawn to exploring mental retardation, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or anxiety disorder? If you have any personal experience or prior knowledge about any of these conditions, it might also influence your decision.

3. Impact on the story: Evaluate the significance of each psychological issue in the movie. Determine how central they are to the plot, the character arcs, and the overall messages portrayed in the film. This can help you understand which aspect deserves more focus in your review.

4. Variety and balance: While it's important to choose a specific aspect to concentrate on, you can still touch on other psychological issues in your review. Describe them briefly, providing enough context to give the readers a holistic understanding of the movie's portrayal of psychological conditions.

5. Avoid spoilers: Remember not to give away crucial plot points or twists in your review. Focus more on discussing how the movie successfully or unsuccessfully depicts the chosen psychological issue and its relevance to the story.

6. Formulate your thesis statement: Once you have made your decision, craft a clear thesis statement that highlights the aspect you will primarily focus on in your review. This statement helps guide your analysis and keeps your writing focused.

Ultimately, the choice between mental retardation, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorder depends on your own interests and the movie's emphasis on each of these conditions. Trust your instincts and select the aspect that stands out the most to you and aligns with the purpose of your review.