Given the following business scenario, create a Crow’s Foot ERD using a specialization hierarchy if appropriate. Tiny Hospital keeps information on patients and hospital rooms. The system assigns each patient a patient ID number. In addition, the patient’s name and date of birth are recorded. Some patients are resident patients who spend at least one night in the hospital, and others are outpatients who are treated and released. Resident patients are assigned to a room. Each room is identified by a room number. The system also stores the room type ( private or semiprivate) and room fee. Over time, each room will have many patients. Each resident patient will stay in only one room. Every room must have had a patient, and every resident patient must have a room.

What is your question?

To create a Crow's Foot ERD for the given business scenario, we need to identify the entities, relationships, and attributes involved. From the scenario, we can identify the following entities:

1. Patient:
- Patient_ID (Primary Key)
- Name
- Date of Birth

2. Hospital Room:
- Room_Number (Primary Key)
- Room_Type
- Room_Fee

Next, we need to establish the relationships between the entities:

1. Patient - Hospital Room (1:1)
- Resident patients are assigned to a room.
- Each resident patient will stay in only one room.
- Every resident patient must have a room.
- Every room must have had a patient.

Now, let's represent these entities and relationships in a Crow's Foot ERD:

| Patient |
| Patient_ID |
| Name |
| Date of Birth |
| Hospital Room |
| Room_Number |
| Room_Type |
| Room_Fee |
| Inpatient |

In the above ERD:

- The entity "Patient" has a one-to-one (1:1) relationship with "Hospital Room".
- The "Patient" entity has attributes such as Patient_ID, Name, and Date of Birth.
- The "Hospital Room" entity has attributes such as Room_Number, Room_Type, and Room_Fee.
- The relationship between "Patient" and "Hospital Room" indicates that each patient can be assigned to only one hospital room.

Note: The specialization hierarchy mentioned in the scenario is not applicable at this stage, as all patients, both resident and outpatient, are represented in the "Patient" entity. If there were specific attributes or relationships unique to resident or outpatient patients, a specialization hierarchy could be incorporated.

To create a Crow's Foot ERD for the given business scenario, we can represent the entities, attributes, and relationships as follows:

1. Patient: Represents information about each patient.
- Patient ID: Primary Key
- Name
- Date of Birth

2. Room: Represents information about each hospital room.
- Room Number: Primary Key
- Room Type (private or semiprivate)
- Room Fee

1. Resident Patient (specialization): Represents the relationship between a patient and a resident patient.
- Patient ID: Foreign Key (references Patient)

2. Outpatient (specialization): Represents the relationship between a patient and an outpatient.
- Patient ID: Foreign Key (references Patient)

3. Assigned (relationship): Represents the assignment of a resident patient to a room.
- Patient ID: Foreign Key (references Resident Patient)
- Room Number: Foreign Key (references Room)

The Crow's Foot ERD diagram representing the given business scenario is as follows:

| Room |
| Room Number|Room Type |
| |Room Fee |
| Assigned |
| Patient ID |
| Room Number |
| Patient |
| Patient ID |
| Name |
| Date of Birth |
| Resident Patient |
| Patient ID |

| Outpatient |
| Patient ID |

Note: The specializations "Resident Patient" and "Outpatient" are represented using the "circle with a vertical bar" notation.