Iron -59 has a half -life of 45.1 days. How old is an iron nail if the Fe-59 content is 25% that of a new sample of iron? Show all calculations leading to a solution.

First determine the constant, k, for the reaction.

k = 0.693/t1/2

Then ln(No/N) = kt
Let No be 100 (but you may use any number you want as long as N is 25% of No.
Then N = 25
k from above.
Solve for t in days.

Anyone help me through the steps, please?

If you want more help the only thing we can do is to work the problem and present it to you on a platter. And whatever it is that you don't understand gets put off until another day. I have an alternative. Why not explain what you don't understand. The steps are there. There is no chemistry involved. It's all just a little arithmetic. Have you thought of plugging those numbers into the equation and seeing what happens?

Would please work the problem with me? Thanks!

Is Dr. Bob saying

After finding the constant (1.38?)=k

2.89=t ????
That's what I got and it doesn't seem right to me.

To determine the age of the iron nail, we need to use the concept of half-life and the given information. The half-life of Iron-59 (Fe-59) is 45.1 days.

1. Let's start by understanding what half-life means. Half-life is the time it takes for half of a given sample to decay or decrease in quantity. In this case, after one half-life (45.1 days), the Fe-59 will have reduced to 50% of its original quantity.

2. Since we know that the Fe-59 content in the nail is 25% (or 0.25) compared to a new sample of iron, it means that the remaining Fe-59 after one half-life is also 25% (or 0.25).

3. We can use the following formula to calculate the number of half-lives that have occurred:

Remaining fraction = (Initial fraction)^(Number of half-lives)

In this case, the remaining fraction is 0.25, and the initial fraction is also 0.25. Let's denote the number of half-lives as 'n':

0.25 = 0.25^(n)

4. To solve for 'n,' we can take the log of both sides of the equation to remove the exponent:

log(0.25) = log(0.25^n)

Since the left side is a constant, we can simplify the equation:

-0.602 = n * log(0.25)

5. Now, we can solve for 'n' by dividing both sides of the equation by log(0.25):

n = -0.602 / log(0.25)

Using a calculator, we find that n is approximately 2.934.

6. Since 'n' represents the number of half-lives, we can multiply it by the half-life duration (45.1 days) to find the age of the iron nail:

Age = n * half-life

Age ≈ 2.934 * 45.1

Therefore, the age of the iron nail is approximately 132.266 days.