When Cheryl goes mountain climbing, she rests 5 minutes every 15 minutes that she climbs.If Cheryl combined time is 2 hours, how many minutes does she rest?

P.S I don't want the answer i just need to know the operation to solve this problem

It’s is 30 minutes. P.s. I’m not that sure

I think it's 30 minutes

5 + 15 = 20

How many 20-minute periods are there in 2 hours?

To solve this problem, you can use the concept of ratios or proportions. Let's break down the problem and determine the steps to get the answer.

Step 1: Understand the given information
- Cheryl rest for 5 minutes every 15 minutes of climbing.
- Cheryl's combined time of climbing and resting is 2 hours, which is equivalent to 120 minutes.

Step 2: Set up a ratio
Since Cheryl rests for 5 minutes every 15 minutes of climbing, we can set up a ratio to represent this relationship. Let's call the rest time "R" and the climbing time "C".
- R/C = 5/15

Step 3: Simplify the ratio
To simplify the ratio, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 5 in this case. By simplifying the ratio, we get:
- R/C = 1/3

Step 4: Set up an equation
Since we know that Cheryl's combined time is 120 minutes, we can set up an equation using the ratio:
- R + C = 120

Step 5: Substitute the simplified ratio into the equation
Using the simplified ratio from step 3, we substitute the values into the equation:
- (1/3)C + C = 120

Step 6: Solve the equation
To solve the equation, we'll get rid of the fraction by multiplying each term by the common denominator, which is 3. This yields:
- C/3 + C = 120
- (C + 3C)/3 = 120
- 4C/3 = 120

Step 7: Solve for C (climbing time)
To solve for C, we multiply both sides of the equation by 3:
- 4C = 360
- C = 90

Step 8: Determine the resting time
Since we know that Cheryl rests for 5 minutes every 15 minutes of climbing, we can use the climbing time (C = 90) to calculate the resting time (R):
- R = (5/15) * C
- R = (5/15) * 90
- R = 30

Therefore, Cheryl rests for 30 minutes while climbing for a combined time of 2 hours (120 minutes).