I need some help with these true or false questions:

1. ¿Es este el el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Hoy yo voy a la escuela.
Ayer yo iba a la escuela.

2. ¿Es este el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Cada domingo, yo doy un paseo.
Cada domingo, yo di un paseo.

3. ¿Es este el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Ellos piensan que es una buena idea.
Ellos pensaban que era una buena idea.

Am I correct? Thanks!!!!

I'll send this to Sra.

Whether you are aware of it or not, this exercise is the difference between the Preterit (over & done with) and the Imperfect (over & over or ongoing).

1. In the question, delete one of the "el" words. Ayer yo iba = implies that you WERE goING (and perhaps never arrived) so Ayer yo fui a la escuela is MUCH better with the Preterit implied that you DID go.

2. The Preterit implies one day BUT because of "Cada domingo" which implies that you did it many times, Yo daba (the Imperfect) is the one to use here.

3. Now, this particular one could depend totally upon the speaker as to what was meant. Pensaban = used to think/were thinking/thought OR pensaron = did think/thought. Because era is the Imperfect, the Imperfect is probably best in this case!

I'll flag this and come back later to be sure you understand everything.


Based on the information provided, it looks like you have correctly identified the answers to the true or false questions. Let's go through each question individually:

1. ¿Es este el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Hoy yo voy a la escuela. Ayer yo iba a la escuela. (FALSE)
To determine if the verb tense is correct for the past, we need to compare the verb tense used in the original sentence with the appropriate past tense. In this case, the original sentence uses the present tense "voy," but the correct past tense form would be "iba." Therefore, the statement is false.

2. ¿Es este el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Cada domingo, yo doy un paseo. Cada domingo, yo di un paseo. (FALSE)
Similarly, for this question, the original sentence uses the present tense "doy," but the correct past tense form would be "di." Therefore, the statement is false.

3. ¿Es este el tiempo de verbo correcto para el pasado?: Ellos piensan que es una buena idea. Ellos pensaban que era una buena idea. (TRUE)
In this case, the original sentence uses the present tense "piensan," and the correct past tense form would indeed be "pensaban." Therefore, the statement is true.

Overall, it seems like you have correctly identified the answers to the true or false questions. Well done!