A single person earns a gross biweekly salary of $780 and claims 6 exemptions. What is the person's net pay?


It is the same as the gross pay.


It is $11 more than the gross pay.


It is $11 less than the gross pay.


It is $13 less than the gross pay.

Shanequia that was the dumbest comment ever lmao.

To determine the person's net pay, you need to understand the concept of exemptions and how they affect taxes. An exemption is a deduction that reduces the amount of income subject to tax withholding. The more exemptions a person claims, the lesser the amount of tax withheld from their paycheck.

In this case, the person claims 6 exemptions. To calculate the net pay, follow these steps:

1. Determine the gross pay: $780 (given amount).

2. Calculate the amount of taxes withheld:
- Subtract the number of exemptions claimed (6) from the gross pay (780 - 6 = 774).

3. Calculate the net pay (after taxes):
- Subtract the amount of taxes withheld from the gross pay (780 - 774 = 6).

Therefore, the person's net pay is $6.

Now, let's compare this to the given options:

a. It is the same as the gross pay. - This is incorrect because the net pay is $6, which is not the same as the gross pay of $780.
b. It is $11 more than the gross pay. - This is incorrect because the net pay is $6, which is not $11 more than the gross pay of $780.
c. It is $11 less than the gross pay. - This is incorrect because the net pay is $6, which is not $11 less than the gross pay of $780.
d. It is $13 less than the gross pay. - This is incorrect because the net pay is $6, which is not $13 less than the gross pay of $780.

Therefore, none of the options accurately represents the person's net pay.

You're literally all twats

Hey ya'll!!! this is my first time on blackp eoplemeet. com.. and the answer is homegurl haha!!