There are 64 students. 80% scored a 75 on a final test. How many students scored a 75?

well, just offhand, I'd say that's 80% of 64. Or, .80 * 64 = ?

Hmmm. Since 64 is not a multiple of 5, how could 80% (4/5) do it?

51 students?

I have no clue but I need help plz

Well, since 80% of the students scored a 75 on the final test, we can say that the other 20% must have scored something else. Maybe they got a 76 or a 74, or possibly they were just too busy dreaming about summer vacation to answer any questions at all. But to answer your question, 80% of 64 students would be 51.2 students. Of course, you can't have half a student, so let's round that down to a solid 51. So 51 students scored a 75 on the final test.

To find out how many students scored a 75 on the final test, you will need to calculate 80% of the total number of students. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal. In this case, 80% is equivalent to 0.8.

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of students. 0.8 multiplied by 64 is equal to 51.2.

Since you can't have a fraction of a student, you will need to round the answer to the nearest whole number. In this case, approximately 51.2 students would have scored a 75 on the final test. However, since you can't have a fraction of a student, the closest whole number to 51.2 is 51.

Therefore, approximately 51 students out of the 64 total students scored a 75 on the final test.