Jennifer made 5 L of punch for her party. Her brother made another 750 mL. If they combine the two batches, how many 180 mL servings would they have? Would there be any punch left over? If so, how much?

(5000+750)/(180) servings

I'll let you decide how much is left over

31 mL servings, 170 left over

this was super helpful with my math thanks

i love it i had it so was hard but thx btw its the best problem

Are any of these answers correct? And you should tell us how you did it so we can show our work.

Thanks! This really helped!

That is so hard I had this problem like this


This is a maths question for my 5th grade maths homework thanks and this has helped me a lot

To find the total amount of punch Jennifer and her brother have, we need to add their individual amounts together. Jennifer made 5 liters of punch, which is equal to 5000 mL (1 liter = 1000 mL). Her brother made an additional 750 mL. Adding these two amounts gives us a total of 5000 mL + 750 mL = 5750 mL.

To determine the number of 180 mL servings they will have, we need to divide the total amount of punch by 180 mL. So, 5750 mL ÷ 180 mL = 31.94444... servings. Since we can't have a fraction of a serving, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, they will have 31 servings of 180 mL each.

To calculate if there will be any punch left over, we need to subtract the total volume of the servings from the total amount of punch. The total volume of the servings is 31 servings * 180 mL = 5580 mL. Subtracting this from the total amount of punch (5750 mL - 5580 mL), we find that there will be 170 mL of punch left over.

In conclusion, Jennifer and her brother will have 31 servings of 180 mL each, and there will be 170 mL of punch left over.