(Speech ) English is the language of opportunities. Why bother to teach indigenous languages? I

to communicate with other people who doesn't know English

english is the language of opportunity

English is the language of opportunity to teach

Teaching indigenous languages is important for several reasons, despite English being seen as the language of opportunities. Here's why:

1. Cultural preservation: Indigenous languages are an essential part of the cultural identity of indigenous communities. By teaching and preserving these languages, we can help maintain the cultural heritage, traditions, and knowledge systems that have been passed down through generations.

2. Empowerment and pride: Language is a source of pride and empowerment for any community. By teaching indigenous languages, we help empower individuals within those communities to connect with their roots, express themselves fully, and strengthen their sense of cultural belonging.

3. Communication within communities: Indigenous languages often serve as the primary means of communication within indigenous communities. By teaching and using these languages, we enable effective communication among community members, ensuring that important information and knowledge are shared and understood by all.

4. Inter-generational connection: Teaching indigenous languages allows for the transmission of language and culture across generations. It helps foster stronger connections and understanding between older and younger members of the community, ensuring the continuity of cultural practices and values.

5. Academic and cognitive benefits: Research has shown that children who are bilingual or multilingual tend to have cognitive advantages, such as enhanced problem-solving skills, improved memory, and greater mental flexibility. By teaching indigenous languages alongside English, we provide additional cognitive benefits to learners.

To sum up, teaching indigenous languages is crucial for cultural preservation, community communication, inter-generational connection, and cognitive development. It allows individuals to affirm their identity, connects them to their heritage, and promotes diversity and inclusivity in our society.