For the following equation of a hyperbola determine the center, vertices, foci, and asymptotes? 36x^2-y^2-24x+6y-41=0

do this just like the ellipse in your earlier post. That is, complete the squares, then review your text about hyperbolas.

36x^2-24x - (y^2-6y) = 41
36(x - 1/3)^2 - (y-3)^2 = 41 + 36/9 - 9
(x-1/3)^2 - (y-3)^2/36 = 1

To find the center, vertices, foci, and asymptotes of a hyperbola, we first need to put the equation in the standard form of a hyperbola:

\[ \frac{{(x-h)^2}}{{a^2}} - \frac{{(y-k)^2}}{{b^2}} = 1 \]


\[ \frac{{(y-k)^2}}{{b^2}} - \frac{{(x-h)^2}}{{a^2}} = 1 \]

where (h, k) represents the coordinates of the center, and a and b are the distances from the center to the vertices.

Let's start by rearranging the given equation into the standard form:

\[ 36x^2 - y^2 - 24x + 6y - 41 = 0 \]

Taking all the x terms together and the y terms together:

\[ 36x^2 - 24x - y^2 + 6y = 41 \]

Now, we complete the square for both the x and y terms separately:

For the x terms:
\[ 36(x^2 - \frac{2}{3}x) \]

To complete the square, we need to add the square of half the coefficient of the x term:

\[ 36(x^2 - \frac{2}{3}x + (\frac{1}{3})^2) \]


\[ 36(x^2 - \frac{2}{3}x + \frac{1}{9}) \]

\[ 36(x - \frac{1}{3})^2 \]

For the y terms:
\[ -(y^2 - 6y) \]

To complete the square, we add the square of half the coefficient of the y term:

\[ -(y^2 - 6y + 9) \]


\[ -(y - 3)^2 \]

Rearranging the equation:

\[ 36(x - \frac{1}{3})^2 - (y - 3)^2 = 41 \]

Dividing both sides by 41 to get 1 on the right-hand side:

\[ \frac{(x - \frac{1}{3})^2}{\frac{41}{36}} - \frac{(y - 3)^2}{41} = 1 \]

Comparing this form to the standard form, we can see that:

\[ h = \frac{1}{3} \]
\[ k = 3 \]
\[ a^2 = \frac{41}{36} \]
\[ b^2 = 41 \]

The center of the hyperbola is at (h, k) = (1/3, 3).

To find the vertices, we need to find a. Taking the square root of a^2:

\[ a = \sqrt{\frac{41}{36}} = \frac{\sqrt{41}}{6} \]

The distance from the center to the vertices is a. So the vertices are located at:

\[ (1/3 + a, 3) \] and \[ (1/3 - a, 3) \]

Now, let's find the foci. The distance from the center to the foci is c, where c is calculated using the equation:

\[ c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \]

\[ c^2 = \frac{41}{36} + 41 \]

\[ c^2 = \frac{1}{36}(41 + (36)(41)) \]

\[ c^2 = \frac{37}{36}(41) \]

Taking the square root:

\[ c = \frac{\sqrt{37 \times 41}}{6} \]

The foci are located at:

\[ (1/3 + c, 3) \] and \[ (1/3 - c, 3) \]

Finally, let's find the asymptotes. The equations of the asymptotes are of the form:

\[ y = mx + b \] and \[ y = -mx + b \]

where m is the slope of the asymptote and b is a constant.

The slopes of the asymptotes are given by:

\[ m = \pm \frac{b}{a} \]

In this case, the formula gives us:

\[ m = \pm \frac{41}{\sqrt{41}/6} = \pm \frac{6 \times 41}{\sqrt{41}} = \pm 6\sqrt{41} \]

To find b, let's substitute the coordinates of the center (h, k) into the equation:

\[ b = y - mx \]

\[ 3 = (6\sqrt{41})(1/3) \]

\[ b = 3 - 2\sqrt{41} \]

Therefore, the two asymptotes are:

\[ y = \pm (6\sqrt{41})x + (3 - 2\sqrt{41}) \]

In summary, for the given equation \( 36x^2 - y^2 - 24x + 6y - 41 = 0 \):

- The center is (1/3, 3).
- The vertices are (1/3 + a, 3) and (1/3 - a, 3), where a = sqrt(41)/6.
- The foci are (1/3 + c, 3) and (1/3 - c, 3), where c = sqrt(37 * 41)/6.
- The asymptotes are y = (6sqrt(41))x + (3 - 2sqrt(41)) and y = -(6sqrt(41))x + (3 - 2sqrt(41)).