Samuel P. Huntington defined “creedal passion periods” as periods when Americans (Points : 1)

demand redistribution.
seek to find new values.
return to first principles.
demand smaller government.

return to first principles

I agree.

To determine the correct answer to the question, we need to understand Samuel P. Huntington's definition of "creedal passion periods." To do this, we can analyze his work and see how he defined this term.

Samuel P. Huntington, a political scientist and author, introduced the concept of "creedal passion periods" in his book "American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony" published in 1981.

"Credal passion periods" are characterized by a renewal or reaffirmation of the core values and beliefs that define a society. During these periods, there is intense enthusiasm and strong alignment with these fundamental values.

Based on this definition, we can evaluate the options:

1) Demand redistribution: While the concept of creedal passion periods may involve changes in social policies, it is not specifically focused on demanding redistribution. Creedal passion periods tend to focus on the revival or reemphasis of existing values rather than calls for radical policy changes.

2) Seek to find new values: Creedal passion periods are not about seeking new values; they are more concerned with reinforcing and reinvesting in existing core values.

3) Return to first principles: This option aligns with the concept of creedal passion periods. Returning to first principles means going back to the fundamental values that underpin societal norms and institutions. Creedal passion periods often involve a resurgence of these foundational principles.

4) Demand smaller government: While changes in the size of government may be a factor during creedal passion periods, the primary focus is not on demanding smaller government. Creedal passion periods are more about reaffirming values than specifically focusing on government size.

Based on this assessment, the correct answer to the question is: Return to first principles