Which hill described in the table is the steepest?

Street: Horizontal (ft): Vertical Rise (ft):
Dixie Hill 60 20
Bell Hill 60 40
Liberty Hill 60 30
A. Bell Hill; it rises 2/3 foot for every 1 foot of horizontal travel.
B. Dixie Hill; it rises 1 foot for every 3 feet of horizontal travel.
C. Bell Hill; it rises 3 feet for every 2 feet of horizontal travel.
D. Liberty Hill; it rises 2 feet for every 1 foot of horizontal travel.

I say it's either A or D. Please check.


it is A

yall are useless wtf

It’s A

It's not D. Think about it. If it rises 1 foot every 5 feet horizontally, that would NOT be steep



I can confirm that the correct answer is B. Dixie Hill is the steepest with a rise of 1 foot for every 3 feet of horizontal travel.

Which hill described in the table is the steepest? Explain.

Street Horizontal
Distance (ft) Vertical Rise
of Street (ft)
Dixie Hill 80 40
Bell Hill 80 20
Liberty Hill 80 60
A. Bell Hill; it rises 1 foot for every 4 feet of horizontal travel.
B. Dixie Hill; it rises 2 feet for every 1 foot of horizontal travel.
C. Liberty Hill; it rises 4 feet for every 3 feet of horizontal travel.
D. Liberty Hill; it rises three-fourths foot for every 1 foot of horizontal travel.

Dixie Hill is the steepest described in the table, as it has the largest vertical rise per horizontal distance traveled. Dixie Hill rises 2 feet for every 1 foot of horizontal travel, making it the steepest hill out of the three options. Therefore, the answer is B.